Ran into the same problem and tried all the "recommended" fixes. Was 100% sure that the install was ok but it was just something with the boot setup and nothing recommended worked...
After doing a bunch of testing and reading put a combination of suggestions together and this is what worked for me.
You will need a Windows 7 x64 DVD.
1. Boot from your Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 DVD.
2. Repair
3. Command Prompt
Note: I only had one drive and that drive was set for C: as the boot so the setup was fairly basic... if your setup is more complex you may want to consider this a bit more... but it should still work.
4. rename c:\boot\BCD bcd.old : this will backup your bcd file just in case you want it.
5. Delete c:\boot\bcd
6. Restart your computer
7. Remove your WS2008R2 DVD and install the W7x64 DVD.
8. Boot from the DVD and do a repair.
9. It will offer to repair automatically accept.
10. Reboot and this is the "trick" boot the DVD again and do a repair. Keep doing this process until it does not find anything wrong.
11. Your server should boot again
وأي سؤال أنا جهز
هيدي لحل المشكلة في ويندوزسيرفر
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نصائح واستشارات امنية في مجال امن المعلومات والإتصالات
كبار استشاري امن المعلومات في شركة مايكروسوفت
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