المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ThickButtons for Android Makes Touchscreen Typing Easier (PC World)

Mgtrben news
03-22-2010, 11:21 AM
PC World - I don't have many issues with the Android platform, but I do have one major gripe: The native software keyboard is the pits. The keys are just too narrow for comfortable, error-free typing and the prediction technology just isn't as on-target as say, the iPhone's. So when I heard about ThickButtons, a new Android keyboard application, I was anxious to give it a spin.

Software News (http://us.rd.**********/dailynews/rss/software/*http://news.**********/s/pcworld/20100322/tc_pcworld/thickbuttonsforandroidmakestouchscreentypingeasier )