المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Adobe Prepares Flash Player and AIR for Smartphones (NewsFactor)

Mgtrben news
04-20-2010, 03:41 AM
NewsFactor - Adobe Systems has begun accepting applications from testers for the first public betas of both Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.0, which promise to bring advanced multimedia capabilities to smartphones. Flash Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR 2.0, which are optimized for high performance on mobile screens, have been specifically designed to take advantage of native device capabilities for a richer, more immersive user experience.

Software News (http://us.rd.*****.com/dailynews/rss/software/*http://news.*****.com/s/nf/20100419/tc_nf/72846)